A Cairo-based polymath, Xander Ghost has evolved from his London roots to become a force in music, design, and visual art. Known for his genre-defying music that blends mid-tempo house, electronic mixes, and Synth-Trap, Xander’s discography includes the groundbreaking albums; and Fayadan. The latter, featuring collaborations such as ‘OGRA’ with rap titans like Marwan Pablo, has dominated MENA region charts. His artistic reach extends to his eyewear brand, A Better Feeling, which has garnered celebrity acclaim and reflects his avant-garde aesthetic. With a decade in the industry, Xander’s recent relocation to Cairo signifies not just a new chapter but an expansion of his already multifaceted legacy. Whether through his pulsating beats or innovative designs, Xander Ghost is a modern-day renaissance man shaping the future of art and music.



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